Reżyseria: Maja Kleczewska

Dziady anno domini 2021 będą przedstawieniem o Polsce. Mając w pamięci spektakle Wyspiańskiego, Dejmka, Swinarskiego, Grzegorzewskiego wiemy, że ten arcypolski dramat opowiada o naszej nieuświadomionej retrotopii, o nieumarłej przeszłości i jej nieumarłych upiorach. Społeczność krwawego obrzędu i konformistyczny salon to dwie twarze Polski, które Wyspiański spotkał wraz z upiorami na jednym weselu.

Choreografia: Kaya Kołodziejczyk


Painted Bird/ Malowany Ptak

Maja Kleczewska

wg Jerzego Kosińskiego (na podstawie przekładu Tomasza Mirkowicza)

Kaya Kołodziejczyk


Hamlet / ГАМЛЕТ

Maja Kleczewska

Na podstawie dramatu Williama Shakespeare’a „Hamlet, książę Danii” w tłum. St. Barańczaka oraz Heinera Müllera „HamletMaszyna” w tłum. J. St. Burasa

Kaya Kołodziejczyk

SOL [2013]

Concept and performance: Kaya Kołodziejczyk,

Original composition: Daniel Radtke Music performers: Daniel Radtke, Paweł Postaremczak

Lighting design: Herman Venderickx Costume: Grzegorz Matląg/MALDOROR,

Space arrangement: Magdalena Fela Jaszczuk


S.O.L. is the acronym for Shit Out of Luck, an expression describing a situation with no way out, a worst case scenario, a state of having no other solutions than those unwished-for. SOL is also the Latin word for the sun, the name of the Nordic goddess as well as it refers to the duration of a solar day on Mars.

SOL is a title of a solo performance by Kaya Kołodziejczyk which was launched in 2013 and it is a result of numerous inspirations – roots of contact improvisation, back-to-the-land movement and its resemblance with artists need of isolation.

Taking part in workshops with Steve Paxton and Lisa Nelson Kaya had the opportunity to get familiar with the work of those pioneers of contact improvisation. Being as well interested in the creative ideas of the artists related to BACK TO THE LAND movement she combined the desire of going back to nature (internship and performing with Bread and Puppet Theatre) with need of crative isolation of contemporary artists’.

SOL is a self-reflexion and an attempt to take a critical look at formal functioning of contemporary dance several years after postmodern dance revolution.



Director Agnieszka Smoczyńska

Alicja suffers from memory loss and has rebuilt her own free spirited way of life. Two years later, she returns to her former family to assume against her will her role as wife, mother and daughter. Her estranged husband and son do not recognize this woman who looks familiar and yet behaves like a stranger. Feelings of alienation, love and revelations rekindle her interior flame.

Kaya Kołodziejczyk


AUDYCJA V [2016]

Koncepcja, choreografia i reżyseria: Kaya Kołodziejczyk

Wykonawcy: Tomasz Bazan, Szymon Bywalec, Ilona Gumowska, Paweł Grala,
Katarzyna Kizior, Aniela Kokosza, Daniela Komędera, Paweł Smagała



concept, direction, choreography:
Kaya Kołodziejczyk

Bitterness comes in many shades. The concept of this piece is to examines various areas in which we experience bitterness – sensory, existential, metaphysical. Bitterness lies hidden in the taste of rust, absinth ecstasy, or the bitter-sweet feeling of love. It can be found in the cleansing herb of wormwood, which breaks evil spells.

The experience of bitterness encapsulated in the literary and folk traditions – including the poetry of Mickiewicz and Berezin, and the folk rites of Forefathers’ Eve and Whitsun – is enlaced with the embodied experience of traditional “white” voice.



Director Daria Woszek

Mary is just some lonely, small town grocery store worker, living a life free from sin. Struggling with menopause, she visits her doctor, who prescribes a course of hormone replacement therapy (…)

Choreography Kaya Kołodziejczyk


choreografia Kaya Kołodziejczyk

Drach wie wszystko, zna wszystkich, widzi przeszłość i przyszłość, zna wszystkie języki i wszystkie losy ludzkie. I chce opowiedzieć wszystko. Teraz.
Drach opowiada pięknie, choć z punktu widzenia Dracha nic co ludzkie nie ma takiego znaczenia, jakie ma dla ludzi. Owszem, jakieś znaczenie ma, ale nie ludzkie.